Week 8: NanoTechnology + Art

I found Dr. Gimzewski's lectures on nanotechnology and art extremely fascinating! I honestly never knew there were so many ways in which nanotechnology can be used. One aspect of this field that particularly caught my attention was the role of nanoparticles in self-cleaning products. In his lecture, Dr. Gimzewski discussed how when you make particles on the nano scale, you can change properties, as seen in the "lotus leaf effect" ( Nanotech for Artists, Part 3 ). The lotus effect essentially refers to the property of hydrophobicity, or water-repellency, and has been reproduced on a variety of surfaces, including glass, wood, metal, and absorbents. "The Lotus Effect." ProPerla , https://www.properla.co.uk/lotus-effect/. In recent years, such nanotechnology has proven to have "real commercial potential," especially for the textile industry (Malik). In efforts to emulate this remarkable phenomenon of nature, multiple companies have developed dirt- and l...